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Clone Performance Combos & Kits > Holey Moses Carburetor Combos
Holey Moses Carburetor Combos

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Price: $99.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: Holly Moses Combo #1

 Holey Moses Carburetor & Holey Moses Air Intake Systerm

Save $$$$ by purchasing the combo

This combo will maximize your performance beyond the purchase of either single item. Huge amount of time and testing has went into these products for maximum performance and customer satisfaction.

Drop Down Menu offers you choice of class the carb will be ran in...

Theirs also a listing for our Stock Plus / Cheater Stock Carb (Not Legal in AKRA / WKA Stoek or Pro Stock Classes)

Be sure to pick your class and combo both when ordering

Dover Power LLC *  Speed Seeker Race Engines * Predator Engines & Parts * ARC * Dyno Cams* Rev Pro Cams & Valve Springs * Holey Moses Carburetors & Headers * Briggs & Stration * Race Tire ReHab * Goldie Locks Disc Clutches * Pro Line Race Jackets * RLV Chain & Mufflers * Kart Bearings * Custon Cylinder Heads * Machine Work